Avrupa Birliği ve Dış İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü 

Uluslararası Kuruluşlar Güncel Yayınlar



Avrupa Komisyonu
Türkiye İlerleme Raporları
2023 Avrupa Komisyonu 2023 Türkiye İlerleme Raporu
2022 Avrupa Komisyonu 2022 Türkiye İlerleme Raporu
2022 Avrupa Komisyonu Tarafından Hazırlanan Türkiye Raporları
Genişleme Strateji Belgeleri
2022 Genişleme Strateji Belgesi
(1998 - ) Tüm Genişleme Stratejileri Belgeleri
2022 AB Komisyonu Tarafından Hazırlanan Genişleme Politikasına İlişkin 2022 Bilgilendirmesi'nin Giriş ve Önemli Gelişmelere Genel Bakış Bölümleri
2021 AB'ye Katılım İçin Ulusal Eylem Planı (2021-2023)
2016 AB'ye Katılım için Ulusal Eylem Planı (2016-2019)
Diğer Yayınlar
2023 eGovernment Benchmark 2023
2023 Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2022/2023
2023 Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe-2023: Overview of Major Reforms since 2015
2023 Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe-2023:  Early Childhood Education and Care
2023 Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe-2023: Digital Competence at School
2023 Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe-2023: Early Leaving from Education and Training
2023 The Structure of the European Education Systems 2023/2024: Schematic Diagrams
2023 Education and Training Monitor 2023
2023  Digital Education Content in the EU
2023  The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe
2023  CORDIS Results Pack on AI in Science
2020 Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027


Avrupa Konseyi ve Avrupa Birliği
2023 Avrupa Vatandaşları Paneli: Öğrenme Hareketliliğini herkes İçin Nasıl Gerçeğe Dönüştürebiliriz?
2023 Eğitim Öğretim 2023 Karşılaştırmalı Raporu
2023 Avrupa Konseyi 2024-2030 Eğitim Stratejileri
2023 Avrupa Konseyi Eğitim Bakanları Daimi Konferansı Kararları
2021 Avrupa Eğitim Alanı ve Ötesi İçin Eğitim ve Öğretim Avrupa Stratejisi Çerçevesi (2021-2030) Ortaklık Konseyi Kararları
IPA Yayınları
2007 - 2013 IPA I - Katılım Öncesi Yardım Aracı (IPA) 2007-2013 Dönemi
2014 - 2020 IPA II - Katılım Öncesi Yardım Aracı (IPA) 2014-2020 Dönemi
2021 - 2027 IPA III - Katılım Öncesi Yardım Aracı (IPA) 2021-2027 Dönemi
2007 - 2027 Katılım Öncesi Yardım Aracı (IPA I-II-III) 2007-2027 Yasal Belgeler
 2021 Türkiye IPA III Stratejik Cevap Belgesi 


Birleşmiş Milletler
2024 IOM UN Migration, Skills Mobility Partnerships: Recommendations and Guidance for Policymakers and Practitioners
2023 Evaluation of Türkiye WFP Country Strategic Plan 2018-2025
2023 CLIMB Database: Human Mobility in the Context of Disasters, Climate Change and Environmental Degradation Database 
2023 Annual Report 2023
2022 The Global Environment Outlook
2023 UNHCR Refugee Education Report - Unlocking Potential : the right to education and opportunity, universal, inclusive, essential
2023 UNDP Gender Equality Strategy, 2022-2025: 2022 annual report
2023 World Food Programme, The State of School Feeding Worldwide 2022
2023 The State of Food and Agriculture 2023
2023 Europe and Central Asia - Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023


Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı 
2023 Ortak Türk Tarihi Ders Kitabı
2023 Ortak Türk Edebiyatı Ders Kitabı
2023 Türk Ülkeleri Coğrafyası Ders Kitabı
2021 Türk Dünyası 2040 Vizyonu


Türk Akademisi 
2023 Orta Asya'daki Eski Türk Yazıtları
2023 Report on Turkic Economies: Digital Trade and Investment
2023 Türk Devletlerinde Kimlik ve Kültür Etkileşimi Araştırması
2022 Gençlik: Eğilimler, Sorunlar, Beklentiler


İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı
2023 People with Disabilities and Special Needs in OIC Countries
2023 State of Elderly in OIC Member Countries 2023
2023 OIC Environment Report
2023 SWOT Outlook on OIC Member Countries 2023
2023 OIC Economic Outlook 2023 - The Rise of the Digital Economy and Bridging the Digital Divide
2023 Journal 2023 (September - December)


İslam Kalkınma Bankası 
2023 ICD's Financing Solutions
2023 ICIEC at a Glance - 2023
2023 Reaching the SDGs: Progress of the IsDB Member Countries. Economic Research and Statistics
2023 Net Zero Carbon Scenarios for the Energy Sector in West Asia
2023 IsDB Investor Presentation (September 2023)
2023 Global Perspectives on Triangular Co-operation
2023 Rhapsody of food
2022 IsDB Success Story
2022 Annual Report 2022
2022 ITFC the Leading Trade Solutions Provider - About Itfc
2022 Development Effectiveness Report 2022


2024 Transforming Education Towards SDG4
2024 Global Report on Teachers: Addressing Teacher Shortages and Transforming the Profession
2024 Unmasking Racism: Guidelines for Educational Materials
2024 A Methodologıcal Guıde to Science and Technology Awareness (Sta) In Early Childhood Care and Education (Ecce) Curricula
2024 Peace Education in the 21st Century: An Essential Strategy for Building Lasting Peace
2024 User Empowerment Through Media and Information Literacy Responses to the Evolution of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI)
2024 Improving the Use of Evidence for Education Policy, Planning and Implementation: Strategic Review
2024 The UNESCO Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development: An Explainer
2023 GEM Raporu - Eğitimde Teknoloji
2023 Türkiye: Tracing Good and Emerging Practices on the Right to Higher Education; Policy Initiatives on the Right to Higher Education for Syrian Refugees in Türkiye
2023 Guidance for Generative AI in Education and Research
2022 Refugees' Access to Higher Education in Their Host Countries: Overcoming the 'Super-disadvantage': Policy Paper
2021/2 GEM Raporu- Non-state Actors in Education: Who Chooses? Who Loses?
2022 Global Report on Adult Learning and Education
2023 Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
2023 2023 Global Report on Teachers: Addressing Teacher Shortages: Highlights
2023 Inclusion and Gender Equality: Brief on Inclusion in Education
2023 Language Acquisition in Early Years of Childhood: The Role of Family and Pre-primary Education: Thematic Report 
2023 Big Data and Educational Planning: How Chaos Can Reenergize a Necessary Tool 
2023 The teachers We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Imperative to Reverse the Teacher Shortage; Fact Sheet
2023 Policies to Promote Hybrid Education
2023 The Role of Digital Technologies in 21st Century Learning
2023 Shaping Education for Flourishing: Annual Report 2022
2023 Arts Education: An Investment in Quality Learning
2023 Multilingual Education - A Necessity to Transform Education: Report of the Event on International Mother Language Day 2023 
2023 Every Learner Matters Disability Inclusion and Gender Equality in Education. International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 2023 Report
2023 Supporting Schools' and Teachers' Use of Assessment to Inform Learning of All Students
2023 Guidelines and Toolkit for a Diagnosis of the Education in Emergencies Data Ecosystem 
2023 Paving Pathways for Inclusion: A Global Overview of Refugee Education Data 
2023 Learning at Risk: The Impact of Climate Displacement on the Right to Education; Global Report 
2023 Inclusion and Gender Equality: Brief on Inclusion in Education 
2023 Empowering Women for the Good of Society: Gender-based Resilience
2023 Because Youth Perspectives Matter: UNESCO Toolbox for Youth Policy and Programming 
2023 Safe, Seen and Included: Report on School-based Sexuality Education 
2023 Human Rights Education: Key Success Factors 

2023 How to Improve Digital Inclusion and Accessibility for Girls with Disabilities
2022 Education, Children on the move and Inclusion in Education
2023 The Climate-Changed Child
2023 Prospects for Children in the Polycrisis: A 2023 Global Outlook



2024 Updated Framework for Monitoring Adult Learning: Enhancing Data Identification and Indicator Selection
2024 Students, Digital Devices and Success
2024 PISA 2022 Results (Volume III)
2024 Towards More Diverse and Flexible International Large-scale Assessments
2024 PISA Vocational Education and Training (VET): Assessment and Analytical Framework
2024 Building a Skilled Cyber Security Workforce in Europe
2024 OECD, OECD Digital Education Outlook 2023
2023 21st-Century Readers
2023 Adapting Curriculum to Bridge Equity Gaps
2023  AI and the Future of Skills, Volume 1
2023 Are Students Ready to Take on Environmental Challenges?
2023 Assessing and Anticipating Skills for the Green Transition
2023 Assessing, Documenting, and Recognising Social and Emotional Skills in Upper Secondary Education
2023 Building Future-Ready Vocational Education and Training Systems
2023 Companion Document to the OECD Recommendation on Children in the Digital Environment
2023 Does Higher Education Teach Students to Think Critically?
2023 Education at a Glance 2023
2023 Education Policy Outlook 2023
2023 Embedding Values and Attitudes in Curriculum
2023 Empowering Young Children in the Digital Age
2023 Equity and Inclusion in Education
2023 From Learning Recovery to Education Transformation
2023 How Learning Continued during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2023 Improving Early Equity 
2023  Innovating Assessments to Measure and Support Complex Skills
2023  International Migration Outlook 2023
2023  Is Education Losing the Race with Technology? 
2023  Joining Forces for Gender Equality 
2023  Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future 
2023  Mending the Education Divide 
2023  OECD Skills Outlook 2023 
2023  Pathways to Professions 
2023   PISA 2022 Results (Volume I) 
2023   PISA 2022 Results (Volume II) 
2023   Positive, High-achieving Students? 
2023   Preparing Vocational Teachers and Trainers 
2023   Shaping Digital Education 
2023   Starting Strong VI
2023   Student Achievement in Türkiye
2023   Taking Stock of Education Reforms for Access and Quality in Türkiye
2023   Teachers and Leaders in Vocational Education and Training
2023   Teachers Getting the Best out of Their Students
2023   Teaching as a Knowledge Profession
2023   Teaching for the Future
2023   The Landscape of Providers of Vocational Education and Training
2023   The State of Global Education
2023   The State of Higher Education
2023   The State of School Education
2023   Trends Shaping Education 2022
2023   Using Digital Technologies for Early Education during COVID-19
2023  Value for Money in School Education
2023   What's Next? Lessons on Education Recovery
2023   Who Cares about Using Education Research in Policy and Practice?

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